Birgit's Garden photo book // Presentation of the book (in photos)

Birgitin puutarha – Ihmeelliset matkani Färsaarille
Birgits trädgård – Mina märkliga resor till Färöarna
Havin hjá Birgit – Mínar undursomu ferðir til Føroyar
Birgit's Garden – My Wondrous Journeys to the Faroe Islands
A limited edition photographic art book by Eija Mäkivuoti.
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Eg gangi í Tróndargøtu saman við vinum. Luftin er kvirr, eina nátt í august. Uppi yvir okkum í floyalsbláu náttini eru mánin og Norðstjørnan. Ongantíð hevur verið ein klárari stund enn henda. Henda stundin sigur mær, at her hoyri eg heima. Eg eri heima. Hetta er mín ætt.
Walking at night down Tróndargøta together with friends. The air is still, an August night. Above us in the velvet blue night, Moon and the Northern Star glisten. There has never been a moment as translucent as this, a moment that tells me I belong here. I am home. These are my kin.
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Texts: Eija Mäkivuoti, Urd Johannessen and people portrayed in the book.
Lay out and graphic design: Pia Pettersson.
Production & fund raising: Eija Mäkivuoti.
Hardcover, hand bound, 29,7 x 20 cm, 128 pages.
Finnish, Swedish, Faroese, translations of texts in English.
Publisher: Sprotin, 2015. Limited first edition.
© Eija Mäkivuoti: Birgit's Garden, book cover, 2015.
My Wondrous Journeys to the Faroe Islands, Ihmeelliset matkani Färsaarille, Mina märkliga resor till Färöarna, Mínar undursomu ferðir til Føroyar
A Nordic photo book about the Faroe Islands by Eija Mäkivuoti.