The Land of Northern Lights – Entangled Stories of Belonging
A dialogic storytelling process that studies experiences about migration, interculturalism and multilingualism through art and narrative in Sweden and in Finland. The work-of-art-in-progress takes place by the Finnish-Swedish border in Tornio and Haparanda as well as in Luleå, Kiruna and in Helsinki. The participants, called co-storytellers, are people from different generations with Finnish speaking background living in Sweden and people with intercultural background. It is an artistic, documentaristic and experimental exploration of “finnishness”, “swedishness” and something in between.
The aim is to create through art and storytelling a multilingual, polyphonic and multidimensional narrative about belonging – to something or somewhere or about always being somewhere in-between. The stories/artworks created by the co-storytellers are presented in a two-part-exhibition, an online work-of-art and an art book. The process is multilingual but the main languages used in the process are Finnish and Swedish.
The two-part-exhibition took take place in The Aine Art Museum in Tornio, Finland, from September 17th–November 14th, 2021 and Studio Jala, Haparanda, Sweden, from October 27th to November 24th, 2021.
This art project is supported by:
Koneen Säätiö / Kone Foundation @koneensaatio
Svenska kulturfonden @kulturfonden
Taiteen edistämiskeskus / Centret för konstfrämjande @taikegram
Eugène, Elisabeth och Birgit Nygréns stiftelse
Suomalais-ruotsalainen kulttuurirahasto / Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland @fondensverigefinland (matka-apuraha / resestöd)
Letterstedtska föreningen – Finska avdelningen (matka-apuraha / resestöd)
Tornion kaupungin kulttuuritoimisto / Tornio stads kulturtjänster (taiteilijaresidenssi / konstnärsresidens)
#revontultenmaaprojekti #norrskenetslandkonstprojekt #konetukee #taiketukee #yhteenkietoutuneitatarinoitakuulumisesta #sammantvinnadeberättelseromatthöratill #mittiemellan #välissä